Provision of Information

The School is required to provide you with the following information:

  • the school’s address and telephone number and the name of the head teacher;
  • where the proprietor is a body of persons, the address and telephone number of its registered or principal office;
  • where there is a governing body, the name and address for correspondence of its Chair; and
  • a statement of the school’s ethos (including any religious ethos) and aims.

The above information is contained within the printed Admissions Information Pack (pages 3, 4 and 14) sent to prospective parents and is also available on the School’s website; please see: Contact Us and Aims and Ethos.

The School is required to make available the following policies and documentation:

All of the above items are available to download from the School’s website (see Our Policies). Please contact the Registrar ( or 01223 353652) if you would like to receive printed copies of any of these documents, free of charge.  Alternatively, printed copies can be viewed in School at reception. Direct links are included above.

In addition, you will also find the following available on the website:

Good Schools Guide
Teaching and Learning
Assessment for Learning Policy
Curriculum Plan
Curriculum Summaries
Kindergarten Curriculum & Supervision
More Able Children Policy
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development and British Values Policy
Teaching and Learning Guidance
Teaching Arrangements
Acceptable Use Policy
Accessibility Policy and Plan
Arrangements when parents are divorced or separated
Disability Policy*
Digital Devices Guidelines for Parents
Equal Opportunities Policy
Food and Catering Policy
Privacy Notice
School Routines
Subject Access Request Form
Subject Access Request Policy
Taking, Storing and Using Images of Children Policy
Uniform Lists: Day and Boarding
Visiting Speakers Policy
Care & Behaviour
Code of Conduct for Staff
e-Safety Policy
Intimate Care Policy
Pastoral Care
Physical Restraint and Use of Reasonable Force
Safer Recruitment Policy
Searching & Confiscation Policy
Use of Mobile Phones Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Boarding & Choristers
Boarders' Handbook
Choristers' Handbook
Guardianship Policy
Guardianship Form
Health & Safety
CCTV Policy
Risk Assessments †
School Trips Policy
Sun Protection Policy


† These documents are available in hardcopy only

* Available on request